DG 90 QA 85–Gage McCracken 31, Jon White 24, Josh Duda 16, and Collin 13 for DG; Kevin Z 26, Zach W 17, and Scott 11 for QA
AC 90 CR 85– Sean Watkins 29, Kyle Z 24, Shahif Wellons 24and Darryl 10 for AC; Matt 26, Ben Mahtani 22, and Elo J 21 for CR
GB 95 LCP 84– Austin W 28, Hunter B 24, and Nick R 21 for GB; Bradley Babuscio 28 and Justin Palaschak 27 for LCP
StE 145 BP 89– Breeze Williams 49, Kordel 21, Jamaal 18, Jayson 15 and Tim Planisis 11 for StE; Mason Murray 21, Mike A 18, Jasmine Hollins 17 and Nathan 12 for BP