GB 97 MOBC 87–Hunter Bagiatis had 40, Austin 20, and Nick Ranallo 17 for GB; Jaymir Jackson had 20, Feik and MJ had 15 each, Dante Kerney 12, and Tone 9 for MOBC
Before the game, Hunter Bagiatis got the scoring crown trophy for leading the league in scoring with 48.0 ppg. He scored 576 points in 12 games during the regular season. Greg joked that he just missed matching Wilt Chamberlain’s 50.4 average from the 1962 NBA season. Congrats to Hunter for an outstanding year and we wish you well in the rest of the playoffs!
DG 127 NP 97–Gage McCracken had 34, Cam S 27, Jon White 19, Alex D 17Josh Duda 12 and Lew McCracken 9 for DG; Luke 35, Aiden 24, Ben and Jared 11 each for NP
StE 103 LCP 92– Breeze Williams 25, Jake Bronder 18, Paul McQueen 16, Kordell 13, Jamaal and Tim P 12 each; Meech 29, Josh Reading 18, Bradley Babuscio 17, Jt Houck 14 and Kenny Scott 10 for LCP
Before the game, Josh Reading got the Sportsmanship trophy for his positive attitude and his helpfulness with the league. Congrats Josh!
FC 92 AC 90(OT)- Rob had 30, Jordan 20, Shaq and Kison 15 each for FC; Marcus Smith had 42, Tae and Tony had 14 each for AC
For the second week in a row, the last game of the day went into overtime! It was a great game and congrats to both teams for a well-played contest.
Although we had many lower seeded teams win in the first round, the second round brought the top four seeds into our final four.
Here is the semifinal schedule
7 #1(DG) vs #4(FC)
8:30 #2(StE) vs #3(GB)