Nate Wojiechowski (St John Fisher) won the George Gervin Award for winning his third scoring title in four years by averaging 41 ppg. Breeze Williams (New Covenant) finished second at 39 ppg. George Gervin, also known as “the Iceman”, won three consecutive scoring titles in the NBA and four overall. That’s why our league has his name on our award. Nate is truly our “Iceman.” Congratulations to all of the great shooters and scorers who performed in our league this year. We had the most 50-point games in our history as Breeze Williams had three 50-point games, Nate Wojiechowski had one, Ben Mahtani had one and Tim Planisis also had one. So this was a pretty incredible year. Amazingly, Wojo scored 67 points in his playoff game, the third highest total in the history of our league.