AC 79 GB 75– Lamont Wright had 18, Shahif Wellons 17, Tony Houghton 14, Joe Oliver 12 and Sean Watkins 11 for AC; Nick Ranallo had 29 and Austin 20 for GB
DG 125 LCP 106- Josh Duda 48(14 threes), Gage McCracken 30, Jon White 21 and Alex D 13 for DG; Bradley Babuscio 29, Keishawn Wright 18, Josh Reading, 16, Kenny Gault 13, Dunlap 12 and JT Houck 11 for LCP
StE 91 QA 85– Breeze Williams 49 and Tim Planisis 26 for StE; JP Pellis 19, Neal McDermott 18, Kevin Zabelsky 15, and Ryan McDermott 14 for QA
FC 121 BP 86– Evan 36(12 threes), John P 23, KJ 19 and John G 17 for FC; Jasmine Hollins 34, Jalen Hollins 20 and Charles Ponds 13 for BP