April 20, 2023 Updates

(1)StE 90 (5)CR 82– Ryan Cherry 22, Paul McQueen 21, Breeze Williams 18, and Tim Planisis 13 for StE; Mark Gates 27, Joe Wright 15, Gary E 14, And Greg Foster 13 for CR

Before the game, Breeze Williams received the George Gervin Award as the scoring champion for his 38.08 average. Hunter B of Grace Baptist finished second with a 36.18 average. Gage McCracken finished third at 32.91. Congratulations to all these great shooters. A more detailed list of the top ten scorers will be put on the website soon

(3)DG 91 (2)FC 89–Gage McCracken and Josh Duda had 25 each, Jon White 19 and Alex Dennison 10 for DG; Jordan 19, Evan Schell 16, Turk 15, and Isaiah Reeves 14 doe FC

Before this game, Evan Schell received the Sportsmanship Award for his sportsmanlike character while scoring at a 26.25 ppg himself. Commissioner Spalding presented Gage McCracken with the George Gervin Award for 2022 because of a calculation error he made last year as he lead the league in scoring in our spring league last year with a 30.8 average. The commissioner joked before the game that he wanted to have an overtime and he almost got his wish as a player for FC missed a crucial foul shot with one second left and time ran out.

Championship 1pm (1)StE vs (3)DG- This should be a great game. Come on out if you would like to watch some great basketball.